

VBS - Wizards and Wonders

VBS - Wizards and Wonders

Daily, from 07/10/2017 to 07/13/2017, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, 6221 Main Street, Houston, TX US 77030

Coordinator: Roger Hutchison |

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Mark your calendars for this summers VERY BIG STORY at Palmer!  VBS will be July 10-13, 2017 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Our theme this year is The Hero's Journey - Wizards and Wonders. This Vacation Bible Experience will use the characters and scenes from the first book in the Harry Potter series to explore theologically life's journey as a path to God the Creator. The New Testament teaches that the Kingdom of Heaven is all around us and in us, and Jesus advises: "Let he who has ears hear and he who has eyes see." Likewise, in the Harry Potter books, the Wizarding World - representing magic with its possibilities for transformation - is all around and in the midst of the Muggles, but they do not see it. Registration for this summer's Very Big Story will begin May 8, 2017. Lots of Wizards and Muggles will be needed to help transform Palmer into Daigon Alley, Platform 9 ¾ and Hogwarts!  Speak to Roger Hutchison or Liz Parker if you are interesting in helping. This is also the theme for Palmer's ADULT VBS, which will take place at the same time. More information to come!