New to Palmer?


New to Palmer?

Welcome to Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church

We hope you'll join us in person this weekend. In the meantime, please explore our website; and if you have any questions, please call the church office at 713-529-6196 or contact us by . If you would us to contact you fill out the welcome form by clicking the button below!

Welcome Form

We are a community worshiping in the Episcopal tradition, which has its roots in the oldest of Christian practices. We are a place where important questions are valued as much as eternal answers. Searchers and settlers, those who celebrate and those who mourn, those who doubt and those who believe find a home here and are surrounded by the love of Jesus in our community of faith.

Newcomers class - Come. Be. Palmer.

If you are interested in becoming a member at Palmer, please contact

Medical Center Guests  Please click HERE for more information.



6221 Main Street, Houston, TX US 77030

Welcome to Palmer!

We are a community of Christian faith on a journey to discovery, growing, advancing as we go. Please join us.

  • Parking
  • FAQs
  • For My Children and Teens


Parking for Free

* Note with only two exceptions, the north parking lot will be blocked off the entire month of April from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sundays through Thursdays and from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Fridays and Saturdays. The two exceptions will be on the mornings of Palm Sunday and Easter Day.

On Sunday mornings, parking is available in the lots north and south of Palmer’s campus and along the Palmer side of Main Street. Parking is also available across Main Street at Rice University, which invites our guests and parishioners to park on campus at no charge on Sunday mornings and on Christmas Eve. Here is how you can take advantage of this wonderfully gracious offering:

1. Enter the Rice campus at Entrance 2 on Main Street south of Sunset Boulevard and north of the Palmer Church property (see campus map at

2. At the first intersection inside campus, turn left to the Founder's Court (FC) parking lot.

3. At the entrance kiosk, press the intercom button. PLEASE BE PATIENT: It may take several rings for the operator to answer.

4. When the operator answers, say you are there for Palmer Church; the gate will be opened for you.

5. When leaving, press the intercom button again and tell the operator you were at Palmer Church.

Please note that this arrangement is for Sunday mornings and Christmas Eve only. And please be careful crossing Main Street.

Parking For a Fee Also Available

Rice University’s Cambridge Office Building parking garage ($12 maximum daily), which is across Main from the church and accessed by continuing from Cambridge Street, or turning from Main at Cambridge, into the Rice campus and taking the first right to drive around to the right side of that building to enter the parking garage.

Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza parking garage ($10 on weekends for self-parking, $17 for valet service), which is located across Cambridge from the church between Fannin Street and Main.

Where is the church located?

We are located at 6221 Main Street, immediately north of the Texas Medical Center and across the street from Rice University. We are bordered to the east by Hermann Park.

Where do I park?

To park on the south end of the campus, enter from Fannin Street; to park on the north end of campus, enter from Main Street. On Sunday mornings, we have additional parking on the other side of Main in the Founder's Lot at Rice University. Click on the "Parking" button above for instructions on how to park there and where to cross the street to get to the church.

What should I expect when I get inside?

As you enter the main doors of Palmer church, an usher will hand you a worship leaflet. This booklet contains all the words of the liturgy and hymn numbers for hymns and other music in the blue hymnal in the pew racks. If you aren’t sure what to do, don’t hesitate to ask a fellow worshiper for help or watch and follow others’ lead.

Where do I sit?

You can sit anywhere that you feel comfortable. If it’s crowded, the ushers will help you find a seat. If you arrive once the service has begun, an usher will be happy to walk you to a seat.

How long will the service last?

The services generally last about an hour.

What if I have children?

While it may not seem that they understand all aspects of worship, they do experience the rhythm and beauty of the building and the liturgy. Liturgy Preparation (Liturgy Prep) is offered each Sunday as an integral part of the 10:00 AM worship service. The children are led out of church behind the children's cross during the Gospel hymn and return at the exchange of the Peace. During this special time, the children have an opportunity to worship and learn about the gospel lesson for the day. This special time is spent singing together, praying together, and talking about the gospel. Liturgy Prep is offered to all children.

How do I take Communion?

All baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Come forward to the altar rail as the ushers direct you and take the next available place. You may kneel or stand. If you wish a blessing instead of communion, please indicate by crossing your arms across your chest. For those coming for communion, receive the bread from the priest in your open right palm. You may choose to receive the wine directly from the chalice by gently guiding it to your lips as the Chalice Bearer presents it to you, or you may “intinct,” or dip the wafer into the wine. If you choose not to receive the wine, simply cross your arms across your chest after you have received the wafer. You may then return to your pew following those around you.  For the benefit of those who require gluten-free bread and/or those who prefer grape juice, we offer both. For either, please go to the altar rail in front of the baptismal font, which is the left side of the church when facing the altar, and state to the person offering the bread or the chalice your preference.  If it is physically difficult for you to come to the altar rail, please indicate this to an usher and a priest will bring communion to you where you are seated.

May my children receive Communion?

Children are welcome at the Lord’s Table at their parents’ discretion.

How do I receive a blessing?

If you, or your child(ren), would like to receive a blessing from a priest at the altar rail, come forward just as you would to receive communion and cross your arms across your chest, and/or instruct your child(ren) to do the same.



How do I find out more about Palmer?

As our guest we encourage you to ask questions and seek information. Please fill out a Welcome Card, which can be found in the pew racks, and place it in the offering plate so that a member of the staff may contact you. Also, be sure to stop by our Welcome Table outside the front doors of the church on Main Street before and after services. There you can pick up a seasonal brochure and ask questions of our greeters. Of course, we also invite and encourage you to introduce yourself to our clergy and staff.  We’ll be happy to see you.

How do I become involved in the Palmer community?

Palmer is a large and diverse community that brings together people of different backgrounds, ages, and interests. Some are simply involved on Sunday mornings, others come for programs during the week, and still others choose to envision and plan new programs and directions for Palmer to grow and to reach out to our neighbors in the City of Houston. Whatever your desired level of involvement, whatever your interests, we invite you to talk to members of our community, browse the pages of this website, subscribe to our upcoming events e-news, and ultimately, to find yourself at home at Palmer Church. We’re glad you’re here!

A Joyful Place for Children!

Our ministry to and with children tries to embody all aspects of our parish mission statement: to know and share the love of Jesus Christ. All children are welcome at Palmer Church, and we see and embrace them as an essential part of our community. In our interactions with our youngest members, we strive to live out the baptismal covenant and teach our children the tenants of the Christian faith.

This begins with worship. Liturgy Preparation (Liturgy Prep) is offered each Sunday as an integral part of the 9:00 AM and 11:15 AM worship services. The children are led out of church behind the children's cross during the Gospel hymn and return at the exchange of the Peace. During this special time, the children have an opportunity to worship and learn about the gospel lesson for the day. This special time is spent singing together, praying together, and talking about the gospel. Liturgy Preparation is offered to all children.


The Nursery is provided for children ages 3 months to school age. Childcare is available from 7:00 AM until 12:30 PM on Sundays. We also offer childcare for special events.

There are two classrooms available, but children may participate in the classroom where they are most comfortable (with siblings, etc.) Toddlers 18 months to 3 years old are provided a Sunday school lesson and activity in the nursery from 10–11 am.

All children are provided light refreshments if they choose. Special needs children are welcome and parents are encourage to meet with Roger Hutchison, Director of Children's and Youth Ministry to discuss accommodations.

The Nursery is located in the front office hallway. You can enter through a door in the breezeway in the Palmer Courtyard. Look for the sign that says Palmer "Nursery."

Sunday School

Palmer uses Weaving God’s Promises as the framework for Palmer's Sunday Morning Christian Formation classes for children PreK-Grade 5. Children are invited to join in the Holy Cross Children's Chapel located on the second floor next to the youth room. Click HERE to learn more.


Youth Ministry at Palmer calls for passion, patience, and faithfulness – pointing out the sacred in the midst of the chaos of adolescence and walking faithfully with young people as they transition from child to young adult. Youth Ministry at Palmer is a bridging ministry of education, connection, formation, and hopefully, transformation. Click HERE to learn more.

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer or you have questions or concerns related to the children's or youth programs at Palmer, please contact Roger Hutchison.