Updated August 2024
Click Here for Links to Weekly Online Meetings
The following adult classes meet from September to May during the formation hour, from 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. each Sunday. Begins September 15
Adult Forum: This class presents a variety of theological, social and spiritual themes during the course of the year, led by Palmer clergy and, from time to time, special guests. Meets in St. Bede’s Chapel.
Parents’ Group: At Palmer we are dedicated to supporting and empowering parents as they nurture and guide their children in today’s world. While your kiddo plays in the nursery, rehearses with the Children’s Choir, or attends Children’s Sunday School in Holy Cross Chapel, spend 50 minutes connecting with other parents in similar stages of life. Meets in Autry House room upstairs.
- Women’s Bible Study at 7am in A102 and Zoom
- Men’s Bible Study–7am in A202 and Zoom
- Women’s Bible Study at 2:30pm on Zoom
Noonday Prayer and Bible Study for all–12 noon in A102 and Zoom
Holy Eucharist, 1:30 PM in St. Bede’s Chapel
Wednesday Evenings, on campus from 6:30-8:00 PM
- Brother of Jesus and the Letter of James - This is a six-week class that begins Wednesday, September 11, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM and will meet in the church library, which is across the hall from St. Bede's Chapel. It will be a discussion of the saint known as James the Just, who is the brother of Jesus, and the letter in the New Testament that bears his name. So we'll be reading through that letter and also watching an interview with a New Testament scholar about the historial James who became the leader of the early church in Jerusalem.
- Sacred Ground - Sacred Ground is an 11-week group that engages in a film-and-readings-based on race, grounded in faith. It is a small group discussion and space is limited. If interested, please email Betty Key, , or John Wallace,
via Zoom from 8:00 - 8:45pm
- TGIT: Thank God it’s Thursday Class: Meets September 13, 20, 27
- Parent’s Book Club ABRIDGED: discuss The Anxious Generation, parts 2 & 3: Meets September 12, 19, 26
- Inhospitable Environments: Considerations of Life in Exile through Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther: Meets October 10, 17, 24
- In Pursuit of Spirit: Preparing for Advent with Zephaniah and Micah: Meets November 7, 14, 21
Monthly Events
- Potluck in the Parish Hall - Sunday, September 29 and Sunday, October 27
- Dinner & Discussion (For dates and times, visit palmerchurch.org/dinnerdiscussion)
- Downtown Lunch: Noon at Treebeard’s at the Cathedral (4th Tuesday of the month)
- Reel Theology - Film discussion group meets first Sundays of the month at 7 PM on Zoom
- Social Hour with the Rector: Meet the Rev’d Neil Alan Willard at Valhalla on the Rice University campus every 2nd Thursday from 5-6 PM and connect with fellow Palmers under the live oaks. Weather permitting.
- Sunday, September 8 - Serve Sunday (Worship + Service Projects, for details visit palmerchurch.org/servesunday)
Sunday, October 6
- Choral Eucharist at 10:00 AM (indoors)
- Holy Eucharist at 10:00 AM (outdoors)
- For the Blessing of the Animals, bring your pets to this service on Palmer’s south lawn.
Sunday, October 13
- Evensong and Art Reception at 4:00 PM
Friday, November 1
- All Saints’ Day Service at 12 Noon
All Saints’ Sunday, November 3
- Roy Jones Memorial Requiem at the 10:00 AM Service
Friday, November 8 - Sunday, November 10
- Palmer Parish Retreat at Camp Allen
Sunday, November 17
- Covenant Sunday and Parish Picnic
Sunday, December 1
- Advent Wreath Making
Sunday, December 15
- EYC Christmas Party (Youth)
- Advent Lessons and Carols at 4:00 PM
Wednesday, December 18
- Longest Night Service at 7:00 PM
Sunday, December 24
- Christmas Eve Services at 5:00, 7:00, and 9:00 PM
Monday, December 25
- Christmas Day Service at 10:00 AM