Updated February 2025
Click Here for Links to Weekly Online Meetings
The following adult classes meet from now through May during the formation hour, from 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. each Sunday.
Adult Forum: This class presents a variety of theological, social and spiritual themes during the course of the year, led by Palmer clergy and, from time to time, special guests. Meets in St. Bede’s Chapel.
Parents’ Group: At Palmer we are dedicated to supporting and empowering parents as they nurture and guide their children in today’s world. While your kiddo plays in the nursery, rehearses with the Children’s Choir, or attends Children’s Sunday School in Holy Cross Chapel, spend 50 minutes connecting with other parents in similar stages of life. Meets in Autry House room upstairs.
- 2/16 James Baldwin The Fire Next Time
- 2/23 James Baldwin the Fire Next Time
- 3/2 Rice Campus Ministry
- 3/9 Learning to Walk in the Dark: pp. 1-39 (Intro and Ch. 1)
- 3/16 Learning to Walk in the Dark pp. 39-72 (Ch. 2 and 3)
- 3/23 Learning to Walk in the Dark pp.73-110 (Ch. 4 and 5)
- 3/30 Learning to Walk in the Dark pp.111-148 (Ch. 6 and 7)
- 4/6 Learning to Walk in the Dark pp. 149-164 (Ch. 8)
- 4/13 Learning to Walk in the Dark pp. 165-188 (Ch. 9 and Epilogue)
- 4/20 Easter: No Adult Formation
- 4/27 Ways to Pray Series
- 5/4 Ways to Pray Series
- 5/11 Ways to Pray Series
- 5/18 Ways to Pray Series
- 5/25 Ways to Pray Series
- 6/1 Ways to Pray Series
- 6/8 Pentecost: Life in the Spirit
- Women’s Bible Study at 7am in A102 and Zoom
- Men’s Bible Study–7am in A202 and Zoom
- Women’s Bible Study at 2:30pm on Zoom
Noonday Prayer and Bible Study for all–12 noon in A102 and Zoom
Are you new to Palmer? Or to the Episcopal Church? Are you a long time member who would like to reconnect or learn more about being Episcopalian? Are you seeking community or feeling called to the sacrament of Confirmation? Then you are invited to the Palmer Welcome Class offered Thursdays at 7 PM via Zoom February 6, 13, and 20 with an in-person meal and discussion at Palmer February 28 from 6:30-8:30 PM. Please email parishlife@palmerchurch.
Join the rector, the Rev'd Neil Alan Willard, this Thursday, February 6 at 7 PM on Zoom as he begins a three-week study of Paul’s [Short] Letter to the Philippians. It’s a letter of friendship, and who doesn’t need to hear a message like that? You can join online by clicking the link under "Thursday" on our meeting links page.
Monthly Events
- Potluck in the Parish Hall - Last Sunday of the Month
- Dinner & Discussion (For dates and times, visit palmerchurch.org/dinnerdiscussion)
- Downtown Lunch: Noon at Treebeard’s at the Cathedral (4th Tuesday of the month except in November and December)
- Reel Theology - Film discussion group meets first Sundays of the month at 7 PM on Zoom
- Social Hour with the Rector: Meet the Rev’d Neil Alan Willard at Valhalla on the Rice University campus every 2nd Thursday from 5-6 PM and connect with fellow Palmers under the live oaks. Weather permitting.
- February 9 – Ministry Fair
- March 2 – Shrove Sunday Festive Meal
- March 5 – Ash Wednesday Services and Ashes-to-Go
- Lenten Organ Recitals – Wednesdays, April 2 and April 9 at noon
- Le Chemin de la Croix – April 18 at 7 PM
- April 13-20 – Holy Week & Easter Day
- April 27 – Palmer in the Park
- May 18 – Serve Sunday
- June 8 – Pentecost International Potluck
- June 28-29 – Noye’s Fludde Opera