e-Newsletter & Texting


e-Newsletter & Texting


The name of our  e-newsletter is The Palmer. Historically, The Palmer was a wonderful publication we had here at Palmer for many years. To honor our history, we have resurrected this title to live on through our online publications. The name "Palmer" has also historically referred to someone who had returned from the Holy Land with a palm frond or leaf as a sign of having undertaken a pilgrimage. It's a wonderful metaphor for our life, and that's why the image that represents Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church is a cross with a palm frond. On this pilgrimage that is the journey of faith, we are walking with Jesus.

Distribution of the e-newsletter is on Tuesday and distribution of the printed newsletter is on Sunday morning. Submissions for both are due on Friday at 5:00 p.m. All submissions received will be published for the following week beginning with the e-newletter on Tuesday. As a general rule, please keep all submissions to a few sentences. At the most, about 350 characters. Thanks so much! For more info, please contact Dustin Jesudason.

Click HERE to subscribe to The Palmer!


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