Palmer's Visual Arts Council organizes four art exhibitions each year in the Palmer Parish Hall Gallery. The exhibitions follow the liturgical year and are organized around a theme appropriate to each season. Our mission through these exhibitions is to support and encourage beginning and professional artists, foster the creative call, engage arts and artists in the spiritual life of the church, and provide a suitable and refreshed gallery for the parish hall. The gallery is open to escorted visitors only during Palmer’s office hours, Monday through Thursday, 9:00-5:00 PM, Fridays, 9:00-3:00 PM, and Sundays 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Contact to arrange a date and time.
New Submissions
We welcome submissions from all artists interested in exhibiting their art in the Palmer Parish Hall. Please keep in mind that Palmer’s Parish Hall is the crossroads of our community, a space shared by parishioners and guests of all ages. Image content should be appropriate for a spiritual space. Selection for a show includes considerations of space availability and coordination with the show’s theme. We will consider up to three pieces per artist.
Because we share the Parish Hall with other users, we need to keep the art up and out of everyone else’s way. All art pieces must be in two-dimensional media only, weigh no more than 25 pounds, and be wired and ready-to-hang using the Parish Hall’s installed hanging system. If your art needs a protective covering, we strongly advise using plexiglass instead of glass. If you submit photography, we encourage you to try inkjet printing on canvas or metal, which eliminates the need for a protective covering.
To submit entries, send the following information by email to both Susan Alexander, , and Jackie Campbell, by the deadline:
- jpeg image
- title
- dimensions
- medium
- price, if for sale
- artist’s email and phone number
- Artist’s Agreement for Display of Artwork” for their first show in the Palmer Parish Hall Gallery, available below
Deadlines for email submissions (these dates are firm)
- February 3, 2025—Lent and Easter show
- April 21—Pentecost show
- September 1—All Saints show
- November 10—Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany show
Following the submission deadline, we will advise you whether your work has been accepted and provide instructions regarding its delivery to Palmer.
Artists also should sign and return the “Artist’s Agreement for Display of Artwork” for their first show in the Palmer Parish Hall Gallery.