Adult Choirs


Adult Choirs

Noye’s Fludde comes to Palmer this June! 

Join us this June as we prepare and perform the one-act opera Noye’s Fludde by Benjamin Britten, written for amateur performers, many children, about the Old Testament story of Noah’s flood. It was based on the 15th century “miracle plays” performed by townspeople on feast days within the churches. Production week will be June 22 - 29, and we hope you can participate on stage or off stage, either before production week or during production week. 

  • We need support with sets, costumes, and production week dinners. 
  • There are ensemble roles for children and youth as animals in the ark, learning 3 songs and scenes.
  • There are ensemble roles for a group of women (friends of Noah’s wife), learning 3 songs and scenes.
  • There are ensemble roles for men of all ages, leading 3 congregational songs.
  • There are 3 male and 3 female roles for youth that require solo singing, learning 6 songs and scenes. 
  • There is a chamber orchestra!

Rehearsals will take place Sunday June 22 after church and evenings Monday through Friday June 23 - 27(the number of nights you come is based on your role) with performances on the weekend. To express interest behind the scenes, contact Johnna Kincaid   or Kelli Soika  . To express interest in performing, contact Courtney Daniell-Knapp,  .

The Palmer Adult Choir meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00–9:30 pm and sings at the 10:00 am service each week. The choir sings a vast body of repertoire from the Anglican and Western European choral traditions including: ancient plainchant, Tudor and Continental Renaissance polyphony, Edwardian English anthems, and modern music from the 20th and 21st centuries. The choir has been invited to sing and lead worship for several national conventions including the American Guild of Organists, the American Choral Directors Association, the Texas Choral Directors Association, and the Anglican Association of Musicians. The Palmer choirs have made six professional compact discs and have recorded the music of composer David Ashley White on the Gothic Records label. The choirs of Palmer Church have been regularly featured on National Public Radio's "With Heart and Voice" and other nationally syndicated radio programs. In addition to leading music for weekly worship, the choir annually prepares a Requiem mass, provides special music for feast days, and offers choral evensong services during the year.

Weekly Rehearsals

  • September through early June, Wednesdays 7:00–9:30 pm
  • Special Event rehearsals are typically the Saturday before the special event from 10:00 am–12:00 pm.

Weekly Worship

  • 9:15 am call for 10:00 am worship

Special Events

  • Major feast days
  • Workshops with guest conductors and organists
  • Choral evensongs
  • All Soul’s Sunday Requiem Mass
  • Advent Lessons and Carols
  • Recording projects
  • Singing Pilgrimages 
  • Lenten Organ Recitals

If you would like to find out more about the Adult Choir, contact Dr.  Brady Knapp, Director of Music.