Our Clergy and Staff


Our Clergy and Staff

Clergy and Program Staff

The Reverend Neil Alan Willard

Rectoroffice: 713-529-6196 ext 123

The Reverend Katherine Tuttle

Director of Parish Life and Membershipoffice: 713-529-6196 ext 121

Roger Hutchison

Director of Children's and Youth Ministriesoffice: 713-529-6196 ext 107

Music Staff

Dr. Brady Knapp

Director of Musicoffice: 713-529-6196 ext 114

Ken Cowan

Organist & Artist-in-Residence

David Ashley White


Administrative and Support Staff

Sue Howard

Parish Life and Communications Coordinatoroffice: 713-529-6196 ext 103

Jessica Evans

Financeoffice: 713-529-6196 ext 111

Dustin Jesudason

Creative Directoroffice: 713-529-6196 ext 112

Jimmy Parrales

Sexton Manager

Diocesan Missioner to Rice University for The Episcopal Diocese of Texas

The Reverend Beth Anne Nelson

Diocesan Missioner to Rice Universityoffice: 713-529-6196 ext 131