

Dinner & Discussion: Sailing from South Africa with speaker Jim Lober

Dinner & Discussion: Sailing from South Africa with speaker Jim Lober

Friday, March 15, 2024, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

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Dinner & Discussion: Sailing from South Africa with speaker Jim Lober

Join us for Dinner & Discussion on Friday, March 15th. All are welcome. Our featured speaker Jim Lober, a 20-year Palmer member with a lifelong passion for sailing, will speak about his recent adventure sailing 1,800 nautical miles across the open sea from Cape Town, South Africa to St. Helena Island in the middle of the South Atlantic as part of a crew of three on a 44-foot Catamaran. This Dinner & Discussion event will be held at the home of Les and Lesley Douthwaite. Come at 7 PM and bring a dish to share with about six people, plus $3 each to cover beverage costs. If you have any questions, contact Ken Alexander at 713-240-4314 (cell) or .

September – May:  One Friday each month
7:00 – 9:00 PM

For more than 40 years, Palmer parishioners have gathered together to build relationships, enjoy delicious potluck dinners, and learn about current thought-provoking topics.

Many stimulating and interesting issues, selected by parishioners, were presented in recent years. These included: U.S. Healthcare World Ranking, Texas Politics, Palmer’s Fisk  Organ & Organist, Buffalo Bayou Park, and much more.

For additional information about upcoming events during 2021-2022, contact any member of the Dinner & Discussion planning committee: Don Tobin, Betty Key, Ken Alexander, Joan Baird Glover.