At Palmer, we strive to be a community who cares for one another. We all have times when we need the comfort and support of the community, whether that is in a time of illness, death, or a life change. At Palmer, we believe that God "comforts us in all our troubles so that we may be able to comfort those experiencing any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God" (2 Cor 1:4).
If you are in need of pastoral care, please reach out so that we can walk together. Email or call the church office at 713-529-6196.
Out-of-Town Medical Guests please click HERE for more information on Palmer's ministry to The Texas Medical Center.
Click here to submit a prayer request
The pastoral care opportunities at Palmer are summarized below. For any of these opportunities, please contact the Rev'd Ryan Hawthorne at or one of the other contact people listed below.
*Note the Pastoral Care offerings below with an asterisk are currently on hiatus until the quarantine due to Covid-19 is lifted. Please feel free to email the ministry leader below to inquire about alternative services. Many of these will be available via phone call or video chat.
*Clergy Visits - Clergy make regular visits to those receiving care in the Medical Center and, when invited, to those unable to attend church due to illness or disability. Please contact to request a clergy visit for yourself or a loved one or call the church office: 713-529-6196.
*Community of Hope (COH) - The goal of the Community of Hope is to create and sustain Christian communities of lay pastoral care givers united in prayer, shaped by Benedictine spirituality, and equipped for and serving in pastoral care ministries. Members of COH at Palmer receive training and serve as pastoral care givers in a variety of settings. For more information go to or contact Arlene Price at
*Eucharist Visitors (EVs) are lay people who take communion to people who are ill, unable to leave their homes, or living in nursing facilities. EVs make regular visits to those who request it. Contact
*The Order of St. Luke (OSL) - Members of the Order of St. Luke have received training in the art of healing prayer. They are available to pray with people on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM in St. Bede’s Chapel. Contact Jackie Campbell at
*Stephen Ministry - Stephen ministers are lay people who are trained to provide high quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. To learn more go to Contact: Laurie Rigby at
Loaves and Fishes is a ministry designed to meet practical needs of Palmer parishioners (food in times of need, rides to church, the pharmacy etc.) Contact Laura Van Ness at .
Caregiver’s Zoom is a monthly support group for those who are taking care of loved ones who are ill or declining. Contact Rita Justice at
Surviving Widowhood is a bi-monthly support group for men and women who have lost their spouses. Contact Jackie Campbell at
*Walking the Mourner’s Path is a small group designed for those who are mourning the death of a loved one. Meeting once a week for eight weeks, this program is grounded in prayer, spiritually directed, and guided by trained facilitators and clergy. While Christian, it is open to all, including members of the wider community. Palmer tries to offer this group twice a year, in the fall and in the spring. It is never too late in the mourning process to participate. Contact: Jeanine Baker at