Palmer Bells

Palmer Bells

Palmer Change Ringers ring for services on Sundays before for the 10 am service and between the 8 am and 10 am services. The service ringing schedule is slightly different in the summer – contact Allen Nunley for details.   We also ring for weddings and other special occasions in the life of the parish and the community. We practice on Wednesdays from 7:00–9:00 pm.   There is also a rotating Monday evening practice held at St. Paul’s Methodist and St. Thomas Episcopal for all local ringers. 

A new set of eight bells used for change ringing has brought the total in our tower to 17 bells. These eight bells, rung in with an ancient methodology on a very modern mechanism, produce a rich cascade of sound. This is change ringing.

Change ringing requires special bells, special music, and ordinary people who enjoy climbing towers, working as a team, and performing “The Exercise.” Change ringing depends on real bells, real ropes, and real people; each bell is swung in a complete circle by a single person, therefore, eight bells—eight persons.

For more information about learning more including becoming a change ringer at Palmer, please contact Allen Nunley

We are always looking for more ringers—all it takes is enthusiasm and dedication. We teach the rest.