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Acolytes have been present in the serving ministry of the Church since the days of the Old Testament. Ever since that time, acolytes have been faithful and conscientious men, women, boys, and girls who love the Lord Jesus Christ and love serving Him in this ministry to God and God’s people. If you are interested in serving as an acolyte, please contact David Madrigal.
Alms Counters
Following the Sunday services, individuals count the contributions collected during the prior week’s services. Each alms counter works with a partner to prepare the weekly bank deposit and document pledges, flower donations and other contributions for the church treasurer. Counters usually serve once a month. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact Kip Krause.
Altar Guild
The fundamental duty of the Altar Guild is to prepare the church for worship services. Members of the Altar Guild prepare the items used during the celebration of the Eucharist or any of the other Sacraments of the church: Holy Baptism, Holy Matrimony, Confirmation, Holy Unction, Ordination, Reconciliation, and the Burial of the Dead.
The Palmer Altar Guild has taken Saints Mary and Martha as its name because they believe that they are called upon in equal measure to do both physical work and to be prayerful in the holy service that we give at our Lord’s altar.
If you would be interested in serving in the ministry, please contact Victor Lamas.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild enriches our liturgy through arranging flowers for worship and decorating for special events.
Flowers may be donated to celebrate or honor special friends and loved ones or to commemorate a meaningful occasion. If you would like to donate flowers or are interested in serving on the flower guild, please contact Dennis Kutach.
Greeter Teams, who come from a variety of age groups, volunteer their time occasionally on a Sunday morning before and after the 9:00 and 11:15 am services. Greeters are in front of the church before and after the worship service to welcome all who come to Palmer. All visitors can receive information about our parish along with a Palmer mug and various resources about our parish life and mission.
The Usher Team greets people as they enter church for worship and assist during the service with the offering, at communion, and following the service. This is a vital ministry, one of hospitality and welcome.
If you are interested in learning more about or becoming a part of this ministry, please contact The Rev'd Katherine Tuttle.
Lectors/Chalice Bearers
Lectors read the assigned Scriptures for the day. The Ministry of the Lector is to proclaim the Word of God by reading from both the Old and New Testament at church services throughout the year. A Lector may also leads the Prayers of the People. Lectors are not required to be licensed and anyone with a love of Scripture and a good speaking voice can be a Lector after a short training session.
Chalice Bearers administer the Chalice during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. While there is a purely functional aspect to the ministry of the Chalicer, there is a spiritual and sacred aspect as well. The functional aspect has to do with the role of providing a means by which communiants can receive the wine. The spiritual and sacred aspect involves the belief that the wine has taken on the real presence of Jesus Christ as the blood of Christ.
If you are interested in serving as a Chalice Bearer or Lector, please contact Margie Dieter.
A unique, frontline lay ministry in the Anglican Communion, the Office of Verger dates from the 16th century. As the Protector of the Procession, the Verger led the way for the church procession from the Vestry around the church into the front doors, clearing a pathway with their virge (or mace) through the crowds of people and animals. As the first person in procession, they cleared the way for the Thurifer, Crucifer, Acolytes, Choir, and Ministers by swinging the virge.
This ministry is experiencing a revival in the Episcopal Church today. In essence, a Verger is a committed lay minister within the local congregation who assists the clergy in the conduct of public worship in either a purely ceremonial fashion or in additional administrative responsibilities.
If you are interested serving as a Verger, please contact Libby Spoede.
Worship Council
The Worship Committee is composed of representatives of various groups (Altar Guild, Acolytes, Lectors, Chalice Bearers, and so forth) that assist Palmer in planning and delivering beautiful liturgy and worship experiences. These representatives meet once a month to discuss upcoming events and special needs.
If you would be interested in joining this ministry, please contact Victor Lamas.