Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church


Our Stories

God Moment 2/20/18

Posted by Sherry and Randy Byrd on

While checking out at the grocery store, I discovered that their debit card system was down. I didn't have one dime of cash with me. 

The young lady behind me in line picked up my tab (over $11.00), and at first REFUSED to allow me to reimburse her. I insisted, though, and got her address; then mailed her a check. Just as an after thought I dropped one of Sherry's cards in the envelope. Then, to our surprise, we got this email from her:

Hi Sherry! 

I was surprised to see your card in the envelope with the reimbursement check your husband wrote me after I had paid for his groceries at Foodarama. I can't remember if you and I have met before but I remember seeing your card and artwork before at a church, I think Palmer Memorial? Which, if I'm right in recalling that, I would love to have a conversation with you about the Christian faith walk and being an artist, if you have time and would be willing. I'm also an artist and since becoming a Christian have had trouble figuring out how to reconcile the two, if that makes sense. Perhaps that is a normal struggle for every artist and every Christian. I think so. 

Anyway, glad you and your husband are a team and look forward to hearing back from you.
God bless you! 


I suppose one lesson from this is that we never know but that the smallest things we do might turn out to affect the hearts and minds of others. This woman's kindness led her to reach out to me when I needed a hand. God only knows what prompted me to include Sherry's card in that mailing back to Karen. And now Karen has reached out to Sherry in search of a conversation about faith and creativity.

We have invited Karen to join us at Palmer where she can meet other seekers; explore her creative call; and share her story of art, faith, and reconciliation. If you happen to see her, please make her feel welcome.

Praise be to God!
