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Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church


Our Stories

Palmers Step Up

Posted by Barbara Hass on

Several weeks ago, the Rev. Liz Parker and the Rev. Linda Shelton became interested in an outreach project for making cloth face masks and contracted people at Palmer Church who sew. Since I had a list of Palmers who have helped with the Palmer Serve Sunday sewing project, I was able to...

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Dinner & Discussion with Mark Jones

Posted by Joan Glover on

For the first time, Palmer’s Dinner & Discussion group met electronically on Friday, April 17th.  More than 60 people joined this Zoom event and were able to ask “live” virtual questions.  There were even out-of-state participants! Professor Mark Jones, Political...

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A Conversation with Catherine Meeks

Posted by Susan Howard on

Catherine Meeks was eager for the weeks ahead last February as she anticipated the spring season launch of a series of programs at the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing in Atlanta.  But then it all stopped on March 12 when its home base, the Atlanta University Center...

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Outreach: Remembering Refugees During COVID-19

Posted by The Reverend Linda Shelton on

“Almighty and most merciful God, we remember before you all poor and neglected persons whom it would be easy for us to forget….” BCP P827 Prayers for the Poor and the Neglected Thanks to your financial gifts to Palmer’s Refugee Resettlement Restricted Account, the...

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